Marketing On A Budget: It Doesn’t Have To Break The Bank

marketingonbudget redroosterbaskets

Hi there, good to see you again.  Now I am no marketing guru or networking Queen but I have picked up a few things here and there so thought I’d share.  I’d like to talk about marketing on a budget and how it doesn’t have to break the bank.  After all, we’re in business to make money right?  Right!

If you are a small business just starting out then you know how important it is to market your business.  With that being said when you first start a business most are marketing on a budget.  If you don’t get the word out odds are your business isn’t going to do much moving and shaking.

What’s that you say?  You can’t afford to market your business?  Honey, you can’t afford NOT to.  Here are some money saving tips from no cost, to low cost or some cost marketing ideas for your business until you and your business builds up some revenue.

Free Marketing On A Budget

Now, promoting your business doesn’t always have to mean you have to shell out huge bucks.  Can you guess what one free way there is to market your business?  That would be old fashioned word of mouth.  Yep, talk to people and come out of your comfort zone.  It costs $0.00, zip, nada, nothing!

When you provide awesome product and even better customer service, you will generate word of mouth to your customers or potential customers, who in turn will tell others about your business.  Don’t be afraid to talk about your business.  You will be surprised who hears what and then tells someone else.

Another no cost way to market your business is to find a local business networking group.  Most are free where you meet once a month to mingle with other small business owners and swap information and business cards.  You never know when someone will need the service you provide or vice versa!

  • Start a blog, most user platforms are free.  You can find tons of free tools on the internet to help you set up a blog but don’t forget to keep it updated regularly so readers come back to your page.
  • Advertise in free online classified ads.
  • Social Media:  Is at the top of every business owner’s list.  There are plenty out there: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIN, Google+, Instagram, Tumblr and the list goes on.  Sites that are based on user participation and engagement is huge.

Low Cost Marketing On A Budget

Can you think of a low cost marketing technique that with little money will make a huge splash on your business?  Anyone?  Okay, I’ll tell you.  They are business cards.  I carry them everywhere I go and I leave them everywhere I go, literally, everywhere.  Always make sure your information is current and whenever you mention your business, be sure to offer a card.  You can get business cards for free and only pay a small shipping fee or you can make your own.  You can also use postcards and rack cards for a nominal fee as well.

Marketing With Higher Budget

Should you have funds to spend on your marketing then there are many options out there such as:

  • Newspaper Print Ads
  • Radio & TV
  • Billboards

Advertising can easily get expensive and costly.  So when you are just starting out utilize the free and lower cost means I’ve written about.  As your revenue grows so will your methods of advertising and marketing.

Now, the most important form of marketing in my opinion is Online Marketing.

In this day and age if you don’t have an online presence your competition will stay ahead of you.  You want to get ahead of them.  Creating a website is an important must and one expense that is unavoidable.  However, it can be affordable!

Okay, well that is it for me on this subject today…now, where did I put my coffee cup?






