Oh My Aching Phobia!


Is there anyone else out there that is so terrified of the Dentist that the mere thought of going just makes you sicker than the toothache?  I tell you, I am the biggest Bawk Bawk Chicken out there.  I finally broke down and went to the dentist yesterday and  had to have a couple of extractions.  Turns out my Sjogren’s Syndrome is now wrecking havoc with my precious toofems!

I can’t even begin to tell you how hard it was to make myself go.  I’ve had major body surgeries and I do just fine but mess with my mouth, come at me with a needle going into my mouth OMG :::shudder::: and tears flow.  Lucky for me I found an awesome Dental Practice that catered to my aching phobia.  A few sedatives, some nitrous oxide, bing bang, boom and he was done.  I’ll have to one day tell you how I became so deathly afraid of the dentist in the first place in another post.

Please someone comment and tell me if you too have this almost irrational fear of the dentist.  It sure would make me feel better not to be the only chicken out there!  I still have to go back once I am healed for a crown UGH….


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