Mother’s Day Time Of Joy Or Sorrow


Let us recognize ALL Mothers, the ones who nurture their children here on Earth, the ones who carry some if not all their children in their hearts and the ones who yearn just to conceive a child.  Borrowed from the Blog of CarlyMarie Project Heal.

Mother’s Day can be a time of Joy or Sorrow.  I have had two friends lose their Mother’s in under 6 months and another friend who lost her little girl just a few month’s ago.  I can understand both.  I’ve lost a Mother and miscarried several children.  I also have beautiful living children.  I have another child that I have not seen in a few years.  Mother’s Day is bittersweet even for me.

My point?  I guess I don’t really have one other than I want to recognize all Mother’s still here and those who have left this world.  To get it out into the  universe that someone understands.   Take the time to honor your Mom in any way you can.  You don’t have to buy expensive gifts to honor her.  If you still have your mother be sure to let her know you love her even if it’s just a phone call.  If she is no longer with us on the physical plain just simply whisper ” I love you Mom” and let it echo through time to her.

Know someone who’s lost a child?  Don’t be afraid to contact them on Mother’s Day.  They need you very much during this time of loss.  The best gift you can give them is remembering and recognizing her loss and she will be grateful you remembered.  That is the biggest gift of all.  Remembrance.

My wish for you and your Mother is to have a lovely Mother’s Day and my wish for those who have lost their loved ones please know we are thinking of you and wish for time to help heal your pain and sorrow.

Much Love and Kindness Sent Your Way,

