Always Room For Growth



I am not a social media guru, not a motivational speaker but I do have enough wisdom in me to know that in life we must always make room for growth in one way or another.  Whether it’s in your personal, business life or both.   Whenever you feel like things are stagnant and nothing is moving along the way you think you’d like it to be that means it’s time to grow.  Expand your horizons.  It can be anything a new hobby, setting a new goal at work, just shake things up a bit and shrug off the dead growth and bring in the new.

I used to be afraid of change and growing out of my comfort zone.  Okay, I’m not fully “cured” but I do much better than I ever have.  There is another quote I like that I do not know the author of but it goes like this “Don’t be afraid of change, it is leading you to a new beginning.”  We are all individuals experiencing our own lives.  Sometimes it may be “similar” to someone else’s life but it’s never truly anyone’s but your own.

So, those are my words of wisdom today.  I am pretty sure this is my own way of telling myself it’s time to grow again in my own life.  What do you think?  Is it time for you too?

My Best To You All,



Don’t Give Up



It’s human nature to have moments and lapses where we just want to throw in the towel.  Have you ever noticed at the height of those inner self doubts and feelings of despair once the emotions calm and the mind clears that what you were fretting over gets better?  Murphy’s Law I swear it is!  Just hang on tight and when going through Hell, step on the gas my friend and ride as fast and hard as you can out of the world of doubt and at the end you will be happy you did not give up!


Changes Are A Part Of Life



Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.  ~Faith Baldwin

Yesterday was a reminder to me that change doesn’t have to be scary and that changes are a part of life.  For the last couple of weeks I’ve been dealing with a company that was working on my web design for our new business and in that two weeks I had what I call an “Ookey” feeling that this was not the route I was supposed to be going.  I ignored the feeling and then yesterday realized I was taking the wrong path with the wrong web company and knew I needed to make a change for the better of my sanity and my business and yet I was scared to do it.

I fought the thought of change hard, thinking well I’ve already invested money and time into this web design company maybe I should stick it out……..NO.  It wasn’t right, it was all wrong and so I took the plunge to change and while it put me back to square one I felt a sense of relief, and I no longer had the knots in my stomach I’ve had for the last two weeks.  I embraced the change and it was so liberating.

We don’t need to be stuck in a rut.  None of us should settle for second best.  We are all worth more than that.   No matter what you are facing in life, don’t be afraid to change whatever it is that has you stuck in fear.  We don’t have to conform to what someone else feels is best for us.  Embrace the change and let the fear ebb out of you and bring a new fresh beginning to the forefront of your life.  Whether it’s personal or business.  For me, it was both.  My business is personal to me and I changed over to another company and design team that put me at ease and willing to work with me on my terms.  Don’t be afraid to speak up as to what YOU want.  It’s YOUR life… it, believe it and roll with the changes.

Thanks for visiting and listening to my ramblings,

My Best,


Life Is A Gift Reach For Your Dreams


I am deeply reminded that our life’s journey is a gift, not a given,

and that we can never truly know how long the journey will last.

All we can do is decide how it unfolds.~Unknown

With this new journey my husband and I are taking going into the small business world is another reminder our life is a gift.  We don’t know how long any of us have on this earth but while you are here you must do things you love.  Reach for your dreams and never let them go no matter how glum at that point in your life may be.  Without our dreams we become very sad and unhappy people inside and out.

I am no philosopher, or even a writer.  I am just an everyday woman striving for the stars at the age of 48.  I let so many years go by doing things by the “book”.  While I love books I am burning this one.  The old book of lost dreams.  The book of negative self thoughts and feelings….burn burn burn it into ashes.  I also am putting on a pair of nice fluffy, soft ear muffs to drown out the nay-sayers in my life that thinks our business venture is muth.  I can’t hear youuuuuuuuuuu lalalalalaaaaaaaaaa 🙂

Life is meant to be lived, meant to be enjoyed and create your own success in life whatever that may be.  Success is in the eye of the holder living it.  Reach for your dreams…make them happen.  Life is a gift so reach for your dreams.

All my best,


10 Tips To Zen



I used to be a very high strung gal, especially in my younger years.  I am 48 now and with time and experience have learned that life is not a race.  People around me in public are a blur to my minds eye.  Everyone is rushing to see who can get to the red light first, who can get down that isle faster while cutting people off.  For me, I now see things in slow motion.  I walk slower, I take my surroundings in slower and I’ve learned to enjoy my surroundings.  Okay that is until someone barges into my Zen-ness.

So, what happens if someone comes and tries to steal your Zen?  Because they will.  How do you get back into Zen-mode with so much craziness around us?  Practice these steps and you will see a change.

Here are 10 Tips To Zen  

  1. Let go of comparing yourself to others
  2. Let go of the need to compete
  3. Let go of judgments
  4. Let go of your anger and resentment
  5. Let go of regrets and learn from them
  6. Let go of worrying it won’t change a thing
  7. Let go of blame it infuriates you into flame
  8. Let go of any guilt
  9. Let go of fear, fear is our worst enemy
  10. Laugh loud and clear at least once a day

and  here is a BONUS Let go of EXCUSES.  They will hold you back in life and keep your forever prisoner.

I’m not saying nobody can get my goat.  I am saying I work hard on keeping that from happening.  I am a much happier person for it.  One day, not long ago my son said to me that I’ve changed.  He’s right and for the better.  He says to me “things don’t bother you as much” and he is right again.  Try it, you might like it.

Be Zen,



7 Rules In Living Your Life


I am not the author of these 7 cardinal rules for life and am not sure who wrote it or where it came from but it really hit home to me.  Some say live life and to heck with the rules but I am a firm believer rules of some form or another are needed to keep from falling into chaos.  I hope these rules inspire you as they did for me.

  1. Make peace with your past (so you can live in the present in peace)
  2. What other people think of you (who cares it’s not your business)
  3. Time heals almost everything (giving yourself time to heal)
  4. No one is in charge (of your happiness except you)
  5. Don’t compare your life to others (and don’t judge them, you have no idea what their personal journey is all about)
  6. Top over thinking so much (It’s alright not to know the answers.  They will come to you when you least expect it) NOTE:  this is my favorite
  7. Smile (You don’t own all the problems in the world)

Live your life in peace




If It’s To Be Me It’s Up To Me

Leadership word cloud

Success is never easy, but it’s worth while.  I will never again let anybody steal my dreams.  I have walked passed opportunity too many times.  I am done believing this is not for me.  I recommit to myself that I will achieve my dreams, I won’t let anybody tell me it won’t work, or that I can’t do it.

I have already proven that I can win in other aspects of life – my marriage, with raising children the best I could.  I can win with one more time.  I can win some time, and then one more time.  I WILL get to the top of my company!  In fact I have already take the needed steps to do so and it’s already paying off.

I will not be denied!  I will work day and night for it, get up early and stay up late for it like I am doing now.  I will be the top recruiter in my company just watch my smoke!  I will remember to set big goals.  It’s no harder to accomplish the top position, than it is to accomplish any other big goal.

It takes more time, but it is no harder because it takes the same kind of commitment.   It’s just the difference of committing for a big goal or a small one.

If it’s going to be, it’s up to me….that is what I’ve got to say every single day, if it’s going to be me, it’s up to me.  I believe in me.  This is my year.  I am not waiting for, wishing for, or hoping for anyone to cheer me on…I know what I must do and Do it I must!

Until next time,



Do You KNOW Who You Really Are?

This video was sent to me by a co-worker and someone I admire.  It made such a huge impact on me, brought out raw untapped in years emotion.  I don’t ask you to watch this video for me.  I ask that you watch it for YOU!  Truly astounding.

Tell me what you think of this video.

Virtual (((HUGS)))
