Do You Remember When?


Do you remember when Valentine’s Day was one of the most fun and exciting holiday’s as a kid?  When in elementary school you’d beg your Mom to take you to the store to get some of those pasty tasting heart candies Sweethearts with the really cool sayings on them like Be Mine, True Love and all that jazz?  Oh, oh and we can’t forget the box of Valentine Cards.  Remember those?  They came in every theme you could think of and you had to have your favorite whether it was Ninja Turtles or Peanuts.  Whatever you were “in to” those were the ones you begged Mom for!


Ahhh the joys of being a kid.  I love Valentine’s Day.  Now, it’s still fun just more “grown up” I guess is a way to put it?  Now it’s out to dinner at a nice restaurant, maybe a movie, some roses and boxes of chocolates and if you’re lucky maybe some jewelry for him or her!  So, Red Rooster Baskets & Gifts has some unique Valentines’ Day gift ideas for you and your sweetie.

We are offering a 14% off Sale on everything in our online store.  I thought it would be a cute play on February 14th with the 14% off sale.  I’m just quirkly like that.  We have a whole section devoted to Valentine’s Day Gifts and Gift Baskets or you can pick out anything that catches your eye like maybe a gift basket full of Godiva or Ghirardelli chocolates.

What was or is your favorite thing about Valentine’s Day?

